Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Dave and Ed - another Tony and Gord?
As expected David and Ed Milliband are the front runners in the race to be the new Labour Party leader. The Guardian says that whilst David is out front currently, Ed is actually the favourite. Reading Alistair Campbell's diaries it all seems to be a re-run of the "battle" between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in 1994.
Lets hope that sense prevails and the bitterness that wrankled for so long previously is not repeated. I must admit I have no real knowledge of either brother, but I do know that they need to start work on defeating the current ConDem coalition.
I see that Peter Mandelson is still trying to hang in as a figure in the Labour Party, although this time he appears to have commented on the doubts surrounding the legality of stopping the £80m loan to Sheffield Forgemasters. It would appear that the ConDem Coalition may have misled parliament about the Treasury Support for the loan being non-existent. Having seen papers in the Treasury, Peter M says the Loan was considered value for money and was signed off. Apparently then the rumours that another Sheffield engineering firm and a Tory donor had influenced the poor decision could have some merit......
Just another sign that Nick really needs to start thinking for the people he represents... hang on isn't that the same as Rory from the String Marketing Board?
Monday, 26 July 2010
.........are not the only Dave and Nick double act. In fact, if you are getting a little fed up with the current Dave and Nick, then look here. Maybe we (all us like minded people) can come up with an alternative to our Prime Minister and his loyal servant, sorry, his deputy.
Dave and Nick - the fishermen.........
Dave Gilmour and Nick Mason.......
David Dimbleby and Nick Griffin.........
My daughter is a very talented film student, just about to start her final degree year (http://www.amezzeray.com/). She called me today to have a "rant" about some news she had heard about our lovely government.
Mr Jeremy Hunt (yes I said Hunt) MP, Culture, Media and Sports Minister, has announced that the British Film Council no longer exists. Way back in 2000, Labour started this to kick start the British Film Industry. Currently, this organisation gets £15m investment off the government. They employ 75 people.
Mr Jeremy Hunt (yes I said Hunt) MP, Culture, Media and Sports Minister, has announced that the British Film Council no longer exists. Way back in 2000, Labour started this to kick start the British Film Industry. Currently, this organisation gets £15m investment off the government. They employ 75 people.
Bend it Like Beckham was one of the films supported
There is a huge list of cuts that the government are making. How long will it be before we start asking where all these "savings" are going? Where is all this extra money going to be spent? Obviously, they (Dave and Nick) are going to tell us "paying off Labours debt"..... but they can only blame Labour for so long. Everything that they do, they blame Labour for..... sorry, we always tell our children not to blame anyone else for our own actions.... me thinks this is all double standards.
Rory Stewart - sponsored by the String Marketing Board
This man is a Tory MP, he is an Old Etonian, an ex Army Officer and one of Dave's new wave of MPs... but his main claim to fame is that he believes (apparently) that his constituents use string to hold up their trousers and leave road accident victims in dark rooms for 2 weeks......
He is of course the String Marketing Board's latest recruit in their fight with the Leather Industry, and Andrew Lansley's spokesman on the NHS.
Even though I am in Dubai with work, and there has been much in the news re Afghanistan today, I thought this story struck home more than all of the others. Here is someone who seems to have no understanding of the people he purports to represent, and how can someone born in Hong Kong, went to Eton and Oxford and was an officer in the Army really understand those "primitive" areas in the Lake District?
And to finish, I bought Alistair Campbells's "Prelude to Power" at the airport on the way out. having read "The Blair Years" I am looking forward to reading the un-censored version of his diaries.
Middle East Correspondent, Dubai
Saturday, 24 July 2010

Well, MP David Davis (Tory) has come out (not literally) and said that this partnership between Dave and Nick is a "Brokeback" coalition. He thinks that the Tories are giving too much away in favour of Government. The Big Society is "Blairite. I think he is a little peeved at not getting a Government job and his only way of fighting back is by doing what most disgruntled little boys do by calling your "rival" gay..... fair enough I think.
This will just be the start of annoyed Lib's and Tory's popping out from under their stones and letting us all know what they really think.
Lib Dem Tim Farron has done almost the same by saying that this coalition is toxic (I can just see them all dressed at Britney singing the song). He says that the Tory's are covering up all their bad decisions and hiding behind the Lib's.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Welcome to our take on the ConDem coalition

Welcome to our new Blog. We have both got to the stage with our personal blogs where our complete and utter annoyance with the ConDem coalition is dominating what should be a light hearted comment on our lives and views.
So here is "ConDem Nation", our voice on the Internet about our complete and utter annoyance, anger but mostly disbelief at what our current government is doing.
We both voted for Nick, got stabbed in the back by Nick, lied to by Nick and worst of all he introduced us to his new best friend Dave! He drove us away from our friend Gordon. Now Gordon had been having a few problems, despite being great in helping others he didnt really help himself. He's gone now, not seen him in ages, but he says some of his friends will be coming along to try and help us all believe in each other again.
Dave keeps spouting on about some Big Society idea, but it seems to us to be a way of getting things done for free.
Anyway, thats for later.....
We hope you enjoy our rants, I mean views, and please feel free to comment!
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